martes, 21 de julio de 2009

Darkwoods My Betrothed - Autumn Roars Thunder

Darkwood My Betrothed - Autumn Roars Thunder (1996)

Sello-Solistitium Records

1.- Autumn Roars Thunder
2.- Nightowl
3.- When Ancient Spirits Battled
4.- The Conspiracy Of The Pagan Cult
5.- Hymn Of The Darkwoods
6.- On The Top Of The Falconhill
7.- King's Gray Shadow
8.- I Burn At The Stake
9.- Red Sky Over The Land Of Fells

"Autumn Roars Thunder" es el segundo disco de ésta banda, para mí es el mejor disco de Darkwoods My Betrothed, el Black Metal que tocan es algo distinto al clásico nordico es más melodioso, las voces son muy buenas. Es un disco que recomiendo mucho.

When Ancient Spirits Battled

"The battle of the giants was raging
The Earth tried to free from the Ice
Who had taken her to his deadly embrace
And shunned her from all light
The Sun rose and set a million times
In the southern horizon
Before he felt pity for the Earth
Decided to save his beloved one
The warm rays of the Sun laid upon the Earth
Ice began to melt - waters flow
So withdrew the Ice northwards to a land
Where aurora borealis glow
In time were water dried
Still was the Earth desolate
No life, no growth but one tree
Suffering of Ice's winds' hate
Of the seeds of this lonely tree
Grew a forest and another and another
The landscape changed to blue and green
Lakes and forests became brothers
Although winters were cold
The land survived and filled with life
Wolves and bears wandered in woods
Not threatened by spear or knife
At a dawn on a hillside climbed a two-legged creature
Wrapped in a hide and carrying a sharpened bone
He watched the land and its beauty
This was going to be his home....... "

Parte I -
Parte II -


3 comentarios:

  1. Quizás hayamos muchos que descargamos discos y no agradecemos, pero yo particularmente me tomo un tiempo para agradecerte este gran disco que anduve buscando por eones.

    Excelente subida amigo... muchas gracias de verdad!

    Ni rullar Odd!

  2. Gracias por tu comentario y no hay de que,si, el disco es excelente.

  3. Muy buen disco, gracias por compartirlo...
